Dear HTC, when your company's in serious financial trouble, and your latest flagship isn't really that good, you don't get to outright lie about having something "surprising" to reveal, particularly when we've known about it for months. And then you wonder why people don't buy your devices anymore.


And the thing itself? A limited edition HTC U Ultra with 128 GB internal memory and a sapphire screen. That's it – no new device of any kind, not even a new color, but just the very same thing we heard about back in January, except you can now actually pre-order it. The price is, as previously listed, NT $28,900 which is a whopping $920 in US currency. Not that it matters, as the sapphire-screen edition is also limited to Taiwan only.


In addition to the phone, the luxury package also contains a leather case, a power bank, and a key ring, as well as a fancier packaging. Pre-orders should start shipping by March 28, which, for the record, is also a month later than what HTC first announced.